april 2022, Les Brigittines Brussels
What remains of a sensation? An emotion? An encounter? Does our body keep a trace of it? On the surface of our skin or on the contrary buried deep within? Or does everything that passes through us leave an ephemeral imprint, like an echo that fades away?
Marée haute is an intimate solo performance that mixes visual art and choreography. It is a deep dive of the body to investigate the traces that inhabit us and those that we leave as a mark in the the world, questioning transmission and the degree of control we have over it. What memories, what movements, what dances escape from me, from my consciousness?
Concept and choreography Estelle Delcambre
Sound Tal Agam and Antonin de Bemels
Light Meri Ekola
Scenography Estelle Delcambre and Jean Louyest
Artistic adviser Florence Augendre
Managament David Alonso Morillo / Meri Ekola
Pictures Sarah Bastin
Teaser Simon van Der Zande
"I could discern personal and intimate, complex and collective experiences being traced before my eyes"
Oonagh Duckworth - Springbackmagazine.com